Monthly Archives: March 2013

I am thinking that moderation is overrated.

    Thoughts on a Friday night:

I am a gay DJ named Fernando circa 1999.

The following is criteria indicating that you have been to far too many gay clubs in your brief lifetime: When a friend talks about how about how beautiful The Badlands is and you respond, “Wait.  That’s not just the name of a gay club in San Francisco?” When you plan an entire southern road trip […]

I am giving a gay shout out to everyone, especially Mongolia.

“A writer publishes to be read; then hopes the readers are affected by the words, hopes that their opinions are changed or strengthened or enlarged, or that readers are pushed to notice something they had not stopped to notice before.  All my reporting life, I have thrown small pebbles into a very large pond, and […]

I am a gay American, Part 2.

Note:  This is essay is part 2 of a 2 part series — a direct response to the Supreme Court’s first hearing on California’s Proposition 8.  If you’d like to read the part 1, click here. — As a writer, this is my first public and explicit expression of my identity as a gay Vietnamese […]

I am a gay American: Part 1.

Note:  This is part 1 of a 2-part essay.  The conclusion of this personal essay was published the morning of the Supreme Court’s first hearing on California’s Proposition 8.  Click here to read it. — For the past five months, I have tried three times to write something entitled, “I am a Gay American.”  In […]

I am wondering, “Why Am I Broke Today?”

The following is a simple flowchart outlining why you are broke today.  Please note that this chart is indisputable* in its conclusions: — *Editor’s Note: This chart is disputable unless you are Lena Dunham.** **This indisputable claim is disputable.

I am remembering A-po.

Early Sunday morning, my grandmother (A-po) passed away in a Los Angeles area nursing home.  Today, she will be buried in California after 92 years of life – an adolescence spent in southern China, a stint as a homemaker turned candy and fashion shop owner in central Vietnam, a Cantonese and Vietnamese speaking refugee in […]

I am traveling with a California gnome: Part 2

The (not) highly anticipated continuation of the photo series “A Gnome named Norm in Europe.”  Please read part 1 if you have not done so for narrative continuity (which is to say, so that you won’t scream, “What the fuck?” while looking through pictures of Gnomes in ancient ruins). — 7 | Norm will never […]

I am traveling with a California gnome: Part 1

About a year ago, a straight, a gay, and a lesbian walked onto a plane in San Francisco and ended up in Europe.  It was ten planes, seven days, three countries and one California gnome named Norm.  Of the dozens of photos I took on this trip, three pictures are of me and the rest […]

I am introducing the “Random (No)thing of the Day.”

Today, I had a very difficult introspective moment.  For someone who claims she loves writing, I spend more time: Polishing my cowboy boots to Paula Cole. Being a fake, rejected gay man on Grindr (to clarify – for a friend.  FOR A FRIEND) because I can’t seem to compose a coherent, flirtatious sentence without the […]