Monthly Archives: February 2013

I am a serious 3-step (optional 5-step) writer.

My idea of being a writer is quite serious and can be relayed in a three-prong strategy: First, Tweet about significant life events: Second, create visually telling Infographics*: Caption: Jen as told through a literary equation = 1/3 “Matilda” from “Matilda” (i.e. gravely misunderstood by parents) + 1/3 “Kristy Thomas” from “The Babysitter’s Club Series” […]

I am, seasonally, an Advocate for the Girl Scouts of America.

Each spring, I post my ode to the thing Thomas Edison wish he had invented: Girl Scout Cookies.  I find that although my writing and my politics evolve with age, my love of Girl Scout Cookies is constant, steadfast, unwavering.  A foreword to the original entry written in 2010: The secret ingredient baked into Girl […]

I am predicting the Super Bowl.*

After months of rumination and research, the National Football League announces that its sport is both responsible for horrific, unnecessary head trauma of its athletes and is vastly inferior to real football.  Accordingly, the NFL has voted that Super Bowl XLVII will henceforth be a giant Destiny’s Child concert starring Beyoncé and featuring Kelly Rowland […]